IFAB are changing sin bins for the 2024/25 season

IFAB are changing the rules for sin bins that will affect the start of the 2024/25 season. If you’re a referee in a league that uses sin bins, get clued up now so you can be ready for the change that comes into affect from the 1st of July.

Sin bin overview

A sin bin happens when a player commits a cautionable offense and is punished immediately with a suspension from the match. There are two different systems that the FA or League can use.

The first system is system A. In this system, any yellow card is a sin bin meaning the player has to leave the field of play for a period of time. If they get a further yellow card they will also have to spend more time off the field and they won't be able to return when it finishes. They can be substituted however.

System B gives the FA/league more flexibility as they can decide the reason for a sin bin. In England and Wales for example, a sin bin is used for a player that shows dissent by word or action to the referee. Any other offense is just a normal yellow card.


How sin bins have changed

Previously in system B, it would have been possible for a player to receive three yellow cards but IFAB have now simplified it. Under the new laws, a player who receives a sin bin and a yellow card or two sin bins in the same game is automatically sent off, and cannot be replaced. Still seems pretty confusing right?

How REFSIX can help

The REFSIX app helps you manage sin bins by timing them automatically for you. It also prevents you from making errors by giving you alerts when you’ve given too many sin bins.

Download our app today free from the app stores.

Jonathon Wilks