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What referees should say to captains and players

Clear and effective communication is paramount for maintaining order and ensuring fair play on the football pitch. As the authority figure overseeing the match, the referee plays a crucial role in setting the tone and expectations for players. In this article, we'll explore what referees should say to captains and players before and during a football match to foster a positive and respectful atmosphere.

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Pre-match meeting

Before the match kicks off, the referee typically meets with both team captains to discuss important details and expectations for the game. During this meeting, the referee should convey the following points:

1. Respect for the Laws of the Game: Emphasize the importance of adhering to the laws of the game and playing with integrity. Remind captains that they have a responsibility to lead by example and ensure that their teammates conduct themselves in a sportsmanlike manner.

2. Communication Channels: Inform captains of the preferred communication channels during the match, such as using the captain's armband for discussions with the referee or signaling for substitutions. Clarify any specific procedures or protocols that players should follow throughout the game.

3. Handling Disputes: Address how disputes and disagreements will be handled during the match. Encourage captains to approach the referee respectfully with any concerns or questions, and assure them that you will address issues promptly and impartially.

4. Safety Considerations: Remind captains of their responsibility to prioritize player safety and adhere to fair play principles. Emphasize the importance of avoiding reckless challenges and dangerous behavior that could result in injury to themselves or other players.

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During the match

Throughout the match, the referee should maintain open lines of communication with both captains and players. Here are some key messages that referees should convey during gameplay:

1. Clear instructions: Provide clear and concise instructions to players when enforcing the laws of the game. Use verbal commands, gestures, and signals to communicate decisions effectively and ensure that players understand your rulings.

2. Consistent enforcement: Consistency is key to earning the respect and trust of players. Apply the laws of the game consistently and fairly, regardless of team affiliation or the scoreline. Reinforce this principle by explaining decisions when necessary and being transparent in your officiating.

3. Player conduct: Address any instances of unsporting behavior or dissent from players promptly and firmly. Remind players of their obligation to respect the authority of the referee and accept decisions without protest. Use verbal warnings and, if necessary, disciplinary sanctions to maintain control of the match.

4. Safety Reminders: Continuously remind players to prioritize safety and fair play throughout the game. Be vigilant in identifying and penalizing dangerous play, such as reckless challenges or excessive force, to minimize the risk of injury on the field.

Post-match debrief

After the final whistle blows, the referee may engage in a post-match debrief with captains to discuss any notable incidents or issues that arose during the game. This provides an opportunity to offer constructive feedback, address concerns, and reinforce key messages about sportsmanship and fair play.


Effective communication between referees, captains, and players is essential for ensuring a smooth and orderly football match. By conveying clear expectations, maintaining open lines of communication, and emphasising fair play principles, referees can help foster a positive and respectful atmosphere on the pitch. Ultimately, establishing a rapport with players based on mutual respect and understanding enhances the overall experience for everyone involved in the beautiful game.

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